Sunday, September 6, 2009

19 Weeks 1 Day

Thank goodness things continue to stay quiet in terms of contractions. It's been two weeks and things are looking very promising. I have no fever or tenderness. The girls now weight about 9 oz (260 g) and are developing normally. The doctor chose to send me home 1.5 days ago, where I will maintain strict bed rest, take my temperature 3 times daily and monitor myself for contraction pain or bleeding. He discharged only because I have help at home, my mom has moved in to take care of the kids and the house and now me. The benefit it my ability to see my kids daily. I admit it makes me a bit nervous but I am confident I will maintain the same degree of bed rest as I did in the hospital due to the fear of having preterm labor or premature rupture of membranes again. So far so good,. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes, I am certain they are helping us pull through!


Lisa said...

awesome news! So glad to hear things are going well and you get to see your kids everyday!

Lauren said...

Hi There, I just stumbled across your blog from The Cochran Quads. I will keep you and your 2 remaining girls in my prayers. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious boys. Hang in there, and try to think positive.


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