Monday, August 3, 2009

Well, hello everyone.  At 14 weeks now I am getting more & more excited! I'm also getting bigger. I've gained 10 hard earned pounds so far (the target according to my doctor is 50-60 lbs. Currently I see my perinatologist weekly most importantly to check transvaginal cervical length ultrasounds & to monitor the bleeding I have had.  So far so good.

Let me catch you up, briefly, on what's happened in the first couple months.  My husband & I decided to have one more baby.  We found out at 6 1/2 weeks we would be having 4 more babies!  I've had 4 episodes of HEAVY vaginal bleeding but, our little ones are strong & have hung in there. We have a set of identical twin boys and non-identical girls.  Our very thorough first trimester ultrasounds found no abnormalities or defects & the identicals are mono/di and due to there placental location have the lowest possible risk of TTTS.
I have a goal of delivering 4 healthy babies at 35 weeks (lofty I know but I have faith).
I will post pictures soon!


Lisa said...

Congrats on your pregnancy and best of luck!

Anonymous said...

WOW Congratulations :) What an amazing journey you have ahead of you. (just hopped over from "the philips quads" blog :)

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