Monday, September 14, 2009
I've been home now for 1 1/2 weeks and everything seems to be going well (beside my butt hurting a bit). The girls move sooooo much now. It is fun to watch my tummy move! I will see my doctor in 2 days. He will check on the growth of the girls and the length of my cervix. It is wonderful how so many people have supported and continue to be supportive of my family. Thank you. The next 3-5 weeks are pretty crucial milestones to pass. I will keep you upated.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thank goodness things continue to stay quiet in terms of contractions. It's been two weeks and things are looking very promising. I have no fever or tenderness. The girls now weight about 9 oz (260 g) and are developing normally. The doctor chose to send me home 1.5 days ago, where I will maintain strict bed rest, take my temperature 3 times daily and monitor myself for contraction pain or bleeding. He discharged only because I have help at home, my mom has moved in to take care of the kids and the house and now me. The benefit it my ability to see my kids daily. I admit it makes me a bit nervous but I am confident I will maintain the same degree of bed rest as I did in the hospital due to the fear of having preterm labor or premature rupture of membranes again. So far so good,. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes, I am certain they are helping us pull through!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Well it has been more than a week since my water broke and I lost Jaxen and Maxwell. So far so good. No bleeding, no infection, no contractions and the girls are growing well. I have been off tocolytics for 6 days now and tomorrow completes my antibiotics. I am so thankful that we are beating the odds and surprising our doctors with how things are going. We will continue to have the strength and faith it will take to see us through to a December delivery.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I have been transferred to the hospital where I will stay until delivery. The tocolytics have been stopped and the antibiotics will continue for a week. The girls are looking great and amazingly it appears my cervix is long and looks closed. Now we watch & wait while my little sweeties grow big and strong. The risks are for infection and hemorrhage. I am holding on to my faith that these girls will beat the odds and pull through. Thank you everyone for you prayers.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I am very sad to report that Saturday at 2:10 pm my water broke for the mono/di twin pair here forth called Jaxen and Maxwell. I was rushed to the nearest hospital but they delivered at 17 weeks. I am so unbelievably sad, crushed, devastated, angry, but also hopeful. The two girls are still alive and well inside me. I have stopped contracting, their amniotic sacs are intact. I pray they will continue to thrive and deliver close to term. My family of course will recover but currently we are in this very strange place mixed with grief and despair and fear and hope.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I had my routine appointment yesterday. The babies look great. My belly is growing, however I did not gain any weight this week (I'm not sure why not). So... I am being referred to the nutritionist again. My cervical length is a bit shorter at 3.4 cm but no beaking and it is closed. My doctor is not worried about the slight shortening at this point. I have started feeling much more vigorous movement now and it is fun to try to figure out which movement comes from which baby.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I returned to work this week. It will be my last. I am working 1/2 days but it is more difficult than I thought it would be. I'm actually looking forward to being off work and off my feet again. The bleeding is almost gone. My belly is growing bigger so fast, it is awesome to watch. My next appointment is in two days. One challenge I am currently facing is finding a nanny to help with my 7 month old, as I am not allowed to lift her. That's all for now. I hope to scan in and post pictures this weekend!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Well, hello everyone. At 14 weeks now I am getting more & more excited! I'm also getting bigger. I've gained 10 hard earned pounds so far (the target according to my doctor is 50-60 lbs. Currently I see my perinatologist weekly most importantly to check transvaginal cervical length ultrasounds & to monitor the bleeding I have had. So far so good.